Issue #18

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Issue #18

The Record for the Longest Time Without Sleep

The longest recorded time without sleep is an astonishing 11 days and 25 minutes, achieved by Randy Gardner in 1964. Gardner, then a 17-year-old high school student, stayed awake for a science fair project. During this period, he experienced severe cognitive and sensory impairments, including mood swings, memory lapses, and hallucinations. While Gardner recovered without long-term damage, extreme sleep deprivation can be dangerous, leading to serious health risks like heart disease and mental health issues.

Woman Spends 27 Years Hunting Brother’s Killer, Catches Him by Chatting Online for 3 Years

A woman dedicated 27 years to finding her brother’s killer, ultimately tracking him down by posing as a friend online. For three years, she chatted with the suspect, carefully gathering evidence to confirm his identity. Her relentless pursuit of justice paid off when she provided authorities with enough proof to arrest him.

Leaded Gasoline Linked to 150 Million Psychiatric Disorders in the US

Leaded gasoline, widely used throughout the 20th century, has been linked to approximately 150 million cases of psychiatric disorders in the United States alone. A recent study reveals that exposure to lead emissions from gasoline caused significant cognitive and behavioral issues, including anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. Lead exposure, particularly during childhood, is known to damage the brain and nervous system, leading to long-term mental health consequences. The phase-out of leaded gasoline in the 1970s and 1980s has been credited with reducing lead levels in the environment, but its lingering effects continue to impact public health.