Issue #19

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Issue #19

New Biodegradable Plastic Breaks Down in Seawater Without Microplastic Waste

A groundbreaking biodegradable plastic has been developed that decomposes fully in seawater, leaving behind no harmful microplastics. Unlike traditional plastics, which can persist for centuries, this innovative material is designed to break down naturally, addressing one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Researchers created the plastic using a unique polymer blend that degrades efficiently in marine environments, reducing the risk to marine life and ecosystems. This advancement offers hope for combating ocean pollution and could revolutionize industries reliant on single-use plastics

Shipwreck from Vasco da Gama’s Final Voyage Discovered After 500 Years

Archaeologists have uncovered a shipwreck believed to be from Vasco da Gama’s final voyage to India in 1524. The wreck, found off the coast of Oman, is thought to be the Esmeralda, part of da Gama’s fleet. Artifacts recovered, including cannonballs, coins, and a rare Portuguese armillary sphere, provide a glimpse into the Age of Exploration and the perilous journeys undertaken by early navigators.

Family Honors Beloved SUV with $4,500 Lavish Funeral

A family in China held an extravagant funeral for their faithful SUV, which had served them for over a decade. The ceremony, costing more than $4,500, included a procession, floral arrangements, and a eulogy praising the vehicle’s reliability and memories shared. The SUV, a symbol of their family journeys, was treated like a cherished member of the household. While some viewed the event as eccentric, the family saw it as a heartfelt tribute to a trusted companion.