The 1965 Kecksburg UFO

On December 9th, 1965, thousands of witnesses across six US states and parts of Canada observed a peculiar fireball dropping “hot metal debris” as it blazed through the sky.

Despite the widespread sightings, the small town of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, became most closely associated with the incident.

A young local boy claimed to have seen the object land in nearby woods, and his mother reported it to the authorities after noticing strange blue wisps rising from the trees.

Several locals, including fire department members, investigated the scene and found an acorn-shaped object the size of a small car with strange writing on its surface. Shortly after, reports emerged of an intense military presence at the crash site, with army officials ordering civilians away while the object was loaded onto a truck.

The incident was later dismissed as a meteor impact, but many believe the military covered up something more significant.

In 2005, NASA claimed that fragments retrieved from the site were parts of a Soviet satellite, but official records of the find had been lost in the 1980s. Investigative journalist Leslie Kean sued NASA under the Freedom of Information Act, and while the agency was ordered to search for the records, their whereabouts remain unknown.